MG is going full steam ahead in terms of launches at this year’s Auto Expo in Delhi. After a slew of electric vehicle showcases on day 1, MG has now showed us its production-ready vision for an alternate path to the future. The MG Euniq 7 is an EV MPV, but it has a trick up its sleeve. It is powered by a 92kW hydrogen fuel cell stack, which is capable of producing 123bhp and has a claimed range of over 600km. This comes from research into hydrogen fuel cell technology that dates all the way back to 2001, when the project was called the ‘Phoenix No. 1 fuel cell vehicle project’.
Over the years, that project matured and the technology has not entered its third generation, called PROME P390 hydrogen fuel cell. MG hopes that its hydrogen fuel cell technology will be used not only in private vehicles like the Euniq 7 MPV, but also in “passenger cars, city buses, medium and heavy trucks, and other vehicle platforms”.
Speaking at the unveil, Rajeev Chaba, President and Managing Director of MG Motor India, said, “MG Motor has been a constant synonym for innovation over the years. We arrived in India with a vision of offering disruptive mobility solutions, in terms of both human-centric technologies and sustainability. As the industry continues exploring alternate fuel technologies, we are delighted to showcase the world’s leading hydrogen fuel-cell technology – PROME P390 to India.”
Hydrogen fuel cell technology has a lot of advantages if utilised properly on a commercial scale. Fuel cell vehicles that use hydrogen as fuel have significant advantages such as being pollution-free, high efficiency, high load, fast refuelling, and long battery life. Along with this, it also not only has zero carbon emissions as it only emits water but also performs like an air purifier does, purifying air equivalent to 150 adults breathing in just one hour of driving